Triceps are perhaps one of the most under-appreciated muscles that are commonly exercised. Unlike biceps, they are not a "showy" muscle but as the "antagonist" to the bicep and as a major stabilizer for the shoulder the triceps or more properly the triceps brachii are an important muscle group and should actually be stronger than the biceps!
Pullovers Starting from a set position or a split stance with the hands down, the kettlebell is held bottoms-up, that is hold the sides of the handle with the round bell part pointing up or forward. Pull the kettlebell up and behind the head, keeping your elbows tucked in. If your range of motion permits, lightly tap you back. Look at yourself in a mirror if available to check your elbows. They have a tendency to flare out which works the shoulders rather than the triceps. Cautions
Row + kickback
Static lunge position, kettlebell opposite the leg that is in front. Row - pull the kettlebell vertically as high as possible, preferably at least to your rib cage. Control on the way down and repeat. Kickback - start with a row and from the top of the row, swing the kettlebell back as far as your shoulders allow. Gripping the side of the kettlebell handle rather than the top of the handle will simplify this exercise. Cautions
Tricep presses & pullovers
To perform a tricep press, lie on you back, hold the kettlebell, bottoms-up over the abs and then press the kettlebell directly toward the ceiling, returning to the starting position to complete one rep. Do 10-16 reps and then switch to a tricep pullover. The starting/ending position for a tricep pullover is the same as for a press - hands holding the kettlebell bottoms-up over the core. From this position pull the kettlebell over the head, tapping the floor with the bottom of the kettlebell if your range of motion permits and return to the starting position. Do another 10-16 reps and then repeat the sequence or go to a combo movement For a combo tricep press/pullover, start with the kettlebell over your core, press to the ceiling, return to holding the kettlebell over the core and then immediately take the kettlebell into a pullover. Repeat 10-16 reps. Cautions
Tricep pushups High on everyone's favorite list are tricep pushups. Several modifications are possible such as